On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:11 AM,
Stephen Sphincter <Stephen.Sphincter@poopmoves.com> wrote:
You're in the process of dropping a mega-stinker. Just toward the
end, a co-worker who you're friendly with walks in for a pee and hears a
final plop and big beefer, like a cannon shot from some kind of awful
gorge-fest from the night before. Also, you didn't even get a chance to
courtesy flush, so the stink of your dung is wafting in the air.
You have a meeting, and you can't linger and hope this guy
will do his business quickly. You gotta wipe and get up and go. You
gotta face the music.On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:20 AM,
Fiber MacGyver <Fiber.MacGyver@poopmoves.com> wrote:
Nothing special to do or say, man. Just saddle up to that sink and
talk like you are at the break room refrigerator or something communal.
Nothing more than a small exchange is necessary since handwashing is a
very time-limited activity.
Then you pat his ass on your way out the door.
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Stephen Sphincter
<Stephen.Sphincter@poopmoves.com> wrote:
What about if it's the big bossman. Any different move needed there?
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:14 AM,
Fiber MacGyver <Fiber.MacGyver@poopmoves.com> wrote: This is where I always have a fake mustache ready to go. Maybe a plastic Ronald Reagan mask.
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:20 AM,
Stephen Sphincter <Stephen.Sphincter@poopmoves.com> wrote: The wife had that same kind of question, only turned around the other way and amped up 100 notches. What if your boss came out of the John and had a huge brown stain on his shirt. Like somehow he squirted on it. Would you tell him?
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:35AM,
Fiber MacGyver <Fiber.MacGyver@poopmoves.com> wrote:
Yikes. I would absolutely not say a word other than hello. Toilet paper on this shoes, however, I'd tell him about that.
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 11:45 AM,
Stephen Sphincter <Stephen.Sphincter@poopmoves.com> wrote:
See, I would bite the bullet and help my bossdude out. He's a swell guy and there's no way I could let him take the fall like that. If I disliked my boss, of course, by all means, say nothing. I have to say, I think based on the Poop Code you gotta tell just about anyone if they squirted on themselves, so long as you were neutral about them or liked them.
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